Create the Perfect Professional Email Signature

Making a long-lasting impression with emails is necessary but creating catchy and attractive email signatures helps your prospects and clients remember you. A great email signature is the one which is less flashy but more impactful so that the recipients do not forget you.

We also know that being a small startup, your purpose of sending out introductory emails goes in vain if your first impression is not perfect. We are compiling a report that will surely help you in creating great email signatures for your professional emails along with top email signature examples.

Simple email signature examples to setup your email signature

Having a simple and professional email handle works wonder for organizations and individuals (entrepreneurs); never go for something fancy.

Professional email examples
Support examples

Email signature should include

Basic Email Signature

  • Full Name
  • Designation, Company
  • Email Address
  • Phone
  • Web Address

Organizational Information

  • Full Name
  • Designation, Company
  • Web Address
  • Address
  • Cell Phone

With LinkedIn Profile

  • Full Name
  • Designation, Company
  • Phone
  • Cell Phone
  • LinkedIn Profile

With Twitter Handle

  • Full Name
  • Designation, Company
  • Web Address
  • LinkedIn Profile (Optional)
  • Twitter Handle
Generally, in Gmail, you click on the ’’Settings’’ icon on the top right corner of the screen and select the ’’settings’’ option.
Generally, in Gmail, you click on the ’’Settings’’ icon on the top right corner of the screen and select the ’’settings’’ option.
This will redirect you to the Settings page where you can find the segment for setting email signature. Easy isn’t it?

Creating an attractive email signature

Creating an attractive email signature which is not just visually appealing but also conveys your organizational motto is the one that you want to be accompanied with every outbound email.

To create such an email signature, we are listing down some of the required elements here:

Your Information with headshot

Full name lets the recipients know the identity of the sender. Including your headshot in the email will help readers to connect your name with your face for a better recall. Using an email address is optional.

Include your job title, business name, and website along with your contact number. This will help your prospects reach you easily. If you are using your own photograph, you can ignore the company logo.

Social media information

Include social media buttons in your email signature. Make sure you are including professional social accounts, LinkedIn and Twitter for example. Social media presence brings credibility and trust.

Now that you have the basic format of writing an email signature consider personalizing it. And remember to use the best fonts. There is no apt definition for ’’best fonts’’ but it implies that when they are opened in Android, Mac, or any other OS they are readable for the recipient.

What do you mean by best fonts?

Don’t go for some fancy font that is not readable by the recipient. Selecting the fonts is a critical task as it will carry your company’s image with it to the recipients.

Here are some of the font’s that you can use to create an email signature that is apt and clearly readable:

  • Arial
  • Arial Black
  • Comic Sans MS
  • Impact
  • Lucida Sans Unicode
  • Tahoma
  • Trebuchet MS
  • Verdana
  • Courier New

Personalizing Email Signature Examples

In this section we have enlisted a few examples of how your email signatures should be like for your professional emails.

1. You must limit your email signature

By limiting your email signature, we mean that you should keep the length of your email signature around three or four lines of text.

2. Don’t put your email address in your email signature

Many experts believe that using you email address in your email signature is like parking your van in the area that could be used for building your personalswimming pool.

Use of your email address in the signature is unnecessary for many reasons, but mainly because:

  • Every email service provider allows you to see the email address of the sender once you hover the mouse over the sender’s name.
  • In the mobile devices, you just tap the dropdown button for revealing the sender’s email address.
  • Just hit reply and the name of the sender will appear in front of you.

As discussed earlier, that space can be used for adding your social handle or an important blog link, or even for adding the ’’request demo’’ call-to-action button.

3. Include apt image

It has been psychologically proven that readers remember images better than text although the image must be able to make an impression to be part of youremail signature.

  • Do not use images of various landscapes showing waterfall, mountain or night sky.
  • Although they are catchy, people see it everywhere in their daily lives.
Follow the pattern mentioned below:
  • Rectangle Frame
  • 1/4th Portion Picture of the Sender
  • The rest portion will have
    • Name
    • Designation
    • Company Name
    • Contact Number
    • Company Website
    • (Department) (Call-To-Action)
    • Social Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

Because the same research shows that people remember the pictures of other people and as per the report of research conducted by Psychologists color images make better impact than black and white ones.

Key Takeaway: Put your face with your name and see how you stand out amongst the crowd.

Professional branding via email signatures

Every department has unique email signature. Here, we will be talking about sales. If you are a sales rep or manager, including your social handles is highly suggested. That allows you to use your social media presence that initiates trust in your prospect that your business is authentic, and their money won’t be spent on a lost cause.

A perfect social branding signature contains:

  • Name
  • Designation
  • Company Name
  • Contact Number
  • Social Media Icons

Put content that shows your expertise

Do you want the recipient to know about a product or about the blog that highlights the expertise of the product or service in that domain? You can do so by sharing it in your email signature.

Proper Call-to-Action

The line of text prompting your recipient to initiate an action. As a business, you create call-to-actions for distinct reasons.

  • You want to schedule a demo with your prospects,
  • You want them to attend an event organized by you,
  • You want them to open a link, may be your landing page, or
  • You want them to land on your product description, offers, or prices.

For example, in your email signature you might add the link to your website blog that explains how your product or service has helped startups and other businesses generate the required ROI or it has solved the issues other customers like them were facing in the past.


Do not overkill your email signature by stuffing too much information. As a reader, you received an email from a sales executive talking about the product or service their company is providing. The mail has an apt subject line, a structured email, but when you scroll down towards the email signature, an informational avalanche awaits you! Every possible phone number inside the company has been listed there accompanied with email addresses, social network handles and what not.

What just happened there?

The sender went for an overkill of their email signature and the result was a messy output below the body of the email which covered more lines than the former. Remember, don’t overstuff your email signature.

Share your calendar in your signature

Professionals and business owners generally get stuck in the cycle of emails and waste crucial time on booking meetings with clients, colleagues, and prospects.

If you feel that you too are stuck within this cycle, then allow your email recipients to book your calendar dates directly from your email signature.

Add country prefix to your contact number

As a business owner or sales professional, you might not be available in the same geographical boundary as your prospect or clients or even your colleagues. Using prefix for your country’s code in your enlisted contact number makes a lot of sense.

While many overlook this minute detail, we would advise you to make sure that you do not miss out on including it in your email signature.

Mobile-friendly email signature is necessary

For keeping up with the mobile-first trend in the digital world, optimizing your professional email signature for mobile is necessary.

For businesses who want to reach the masses with their product and service this report becomes a guide for creating mobile-friendly email signatures.

For a successful user experience, make sure that your email signature is designed to be easily visible to read and tap on mobile devices.

Some people make a common mistake of not providing enough space between icons and clickable links. The most usual trouble users face after opening an email on mobile devices is that when they tap on the Facebook icon, due to lack of spacing, they end up opening Twitter or Instagram.

That is why you must pay attention on making your email signature mobile-friendly.

Try our free email signature
generator tool

With email signature generator tool by Salesmate, you can create compelling and standardized signatures in minutes. Pick your desired template from a wide spectrum of options and give a professional look to your corporate emails. You can even customize your email signature as per your specific requirements. Set an impact on your recipient with visually appealing format and designs.

  • Highlight your CTA to drive action
  • Create templates for instant use
  • Cover all the vital information in an organized way

Let’s walkthrough the steps with the below mentioned points

  • Create less flashy and more effective email signatures.
  • Use color, match it with your website or company color scheme.
  • Keep your email signatures short and use 3-4 lines of text.
  • Take care of the fonts, don’t overdo them.
  • Prioritize social media and website links.
  • Try to avoid GIFs as they are too bulky.
  • Don’t stuff your email signature.
  • Optimize your email signature for mobile devices.
  • Include an apt image – your business logo or your professional image.
  • Check if the email signature is loading and displaying properly.
  • Be careful with your professional contact information.
  • Make sure your signature looks attractive as the way you had planned it to be.
  • Promote relevant social handles with your email signatures.
  • Test it out with multiple email clients.

Microsoft Outlook does not recognize background images and many email clients do not load images by default.

Your job does not get fulfilled after creating the professional email signature; keep it up-to-date. Make sure that the links, contact, and other information are revised. An outdated email signature will create a negative impression about your brand and business on its recipients.

Salesmate CRM has been in the market for a brief period but even with its small tenure, the cloud-based software has positioned itself as a problem-solving sales CRM. We have been helping SMBs in handling their sales and customer data-related issues by providing amicable features within their budget. If you want to book a demo or want any of our representatives to get in touch with you then do get in touch with us.

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