Google Drive

Are you in urgent need to automatically export your orders from Google Drive to a CRM? Salesmate’s Google CRM integration with Google Drive and Team Drive could save you plenty of time.

Google Drive

Trusted by 8,500+ businesses globally

Trusted by <strong>8,500+</strong> businesses globally
Trusted by <strong>8,500+</strong> businesses globally
Trusted by <strong>8,500+</strong> businesses globally
Trusted by <strong>8,500+</strong> businesses globally
Trusted by <strong>8,500+</strong> businesses globally

Salesmate provides integration with Google Drive  so that you can have a hassle-free management of your common business documents and start importing them into our CRM.

How can you use Google Drive in Salesmate?

Google Drive icon appears in the Files sub-tab in contacts, organizations, opportunities and projects. To link to files in your own Google Drive or shared Google Drive folders, click the icon to display the search window. You will be able to easily connect your Google Drive to start linking documents to make your sales team more efficient.

Benefits of using Google Drive:

Out of the many benefits, here are to mention a few:

  • Efficiency: You can upload a file in Google Drive and share it across multiple records, hence increasing your efficiency.
  • Fresh Data: The latest version of the document is always linked with your records so that you and your teammates have fresh information available at your fingertips.
  • Quick Editing: Google drive provides online document editing functionality. And its integration with Salesmate record gives you the freedom of editing them from Salesmate itself, using quick file previews.
  • Faster File Uploads: You can upload files to Google drive on the fly. Just select google drive option at the time of uploading files and you can upload multiple files together with ease.
  • Accessibility: You can easily access a file using Salesmate or Google Drive. Google drive also comes with local drive sync and native apps too. So, you can also access and update your files without any issues.

Do not waste time locating the files you need. Link your files to relevant contacts or deals directly from your Google Drive to add more context and enjoy seamless Google Drive CRM integration. Refer our Google Drive Integration  help article to get started

Salesmate + Google Drive

Check out the support article on how you can use this powerful integration.