Setting Team Goals with Salesmate’s Top Tips

For an organization, nothing is as important as business goals and objectives. When you work, it is done to achieve a certain task at hand. To excel in your job, setting team goals is a crucial step as it sets a standard for individuals that are working in a team; as a team. When it comes to the benefits of setting team goals, Salesmate believes it creates a lucrative benchmark that everyone in the team must follow.

Obscure Goals Lead to Disastrous Outcomes

Setting team goals is a necessity as it guarantees that the team wavelength is at the same frequency. In a recent study, it was revealed that nearly 93 percent employees do not understand their company’s goals, strategy and the direction where the company is heading. The same study also mentions that seventy-two percent of highly involved employees have clarity regarding their influence and their role in the organization’s goal accomplishments. If people are unaware of their role in the organization and their team, they will not feel motivated to work together towards achieving the company goal.

If your team or any of its member is not clear about the assigned task or its overall effect on the achievement of company goals, there is a high certainty that they will not finish the task in time as well as in a proper format.

Why Set Team Sales Goals?

Instilling a strong sense of purpose and clarity of the results on the achievement of tasks amongst the employees is key to organizational success. For that we are laying down some basic pointers here:

  • Peer Recognition
    Employees work with vigor and motivation when they realize that small amount of contribution in task completion is going to affect the organization’s goal majorly. To motivate the employees on working towards achieving a task, you need to show them that their contribution is worthy! Celebrate achievements with the team and show them that you realize their hard work, this will also make them happy about the kind of work that they do and will give them peer recognition; which every employee craves for!
  • Transparency
    Bring the team together, give them a common space to work in!
    While assigning tasks, make sure you distribute the roles and responsibilities in front of the team, making it clear to the teammates what the other individual is going to work on, alongside them. Transparency has a positive effect on the way employees view their roles and it helps them realize that they are part of something big.
  • Level of Motivation
    A recent study made a revelation that employees who are given a blind task and are given the resources to complete it with a list of instructions to be followed, deem that task as ’’pointless’’ and feel less motivated to complete it. Just imagine, if you ask your employees to get a task completed without giving them proper downloads on the outcome, it will make them feel like they are being dragged into cleaning out the trash! If the employees are shown that completion of the most mundane tasks is helping the organization achieve a higher purpose, they will be motivated to be a part of it. If an employee realizes that the work to be done is fulfilling a wider organizational goal, they are more likely to work upon the same; highly motivated to achieve the best.
  • Collaboration
    The biggest benefit of setting sales goals for the team is that it instills collaboration amongst peers. Yes, pushing for personal achievement is necessary but not at the cost of your team’s failure. Having collective goals is a necessity as it boosts team collaboration. Having sales goals means that individual success is an achievement for the team. Employees will actively help their colleagues in case any issue arises. They will work in a team, helping each other, rather than having an aggressive approach!

Salesmate believes in teamwork, and we work towards achieving the organizational goals with our collaborative strategies that are focused on the tasks of every sales team. We hope that these ’’top tips’’ are a big help to you and your team. Happy Sales!

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