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Types of BigCommerce emails

14 Types of BigCommerce email to send [With templates]

Key Takeaways
  • Online shoppers who purchase from emails spend 138% more than those who don't receive email promotions.
  • Welcome, abandoned carts, win-back, promotional, and customer review requests emails are the best for customer engagement.
  • Send personalized BigCommerce product recommendation emails, informative content, and loyalty program invites to build customer relationships.
  • Automated emails generate 320% more revenue compared to non-automated ones.

Transactional emails have 8X more open and click-through rates than other emails and can generate 6X more revenue.

Also, nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases.

Moreover, customers receiving automated abandoned cart emails are 2.4X more likely to complete the purchase.

To achieve such results, you must know what type of BigCommerce emails you must send and what they can bring to you.

This blog covers the best types of emails that you can send to grow your BigCommerce store.

Let’s begin with understanding the benefits of sending the correct email at the right time. 

Power of sending the right BigCommerce emails at the right time    

Connecting your prospects at the right moment with a meaningful message will help you achieve your objectives with each campaign. Let’s see all the benefits.

  • Increased engagement 

Your potential customers go through a complete buying process. Effective communication at each stage results in better engagement.

Sending emails with the right content at peak hours increases the likelihood of prospects reading the content and considering your brand.  

  • Improved conversion rates 

When emails land in the inbox at the right time, they lure prospects to take the desired actions. For instance, sending a special discount email on Friday afternoon encourages weekend sales.   

  • Personalization and relevance 

You tend to win conversions when you show up with a personalized offer, for instance, sending an exclusive offer based on your prospect’s browsing behavior.

  • Enhanced customer experience 

When you send emails at an appropriate time, you respect their schedules and preferences.  

Moreover, offering personalized deals and promotions can increase customer engagement and improve brand perception.

  • Reduced cart abandonment 

Sending a persuasive email after the cart is abandoned by a customer is a great move to win back your customers. You can automate your abandoned cart emails to recover faster.

  • Building customer loyalty 

Sending the correct email at an adequate time enhances better communication and customer experience. 

This builds a customer base that loves repeating purchases and becomes your lasting customers. 

  • Maximizing customer lifetime value 

You encourage customers to make regular purchases when you keep sending valuable emails timely. 

For instance, email notification for pre-access to upcoming mega sales by signing up for your special membership.

  • Automated efficiency 

You can enhance your email efficiency by automating emails with relevant content at specified times. 

Invest in a powerful CRM with email marketing automation if you want to multiply your success.

Moving on with the best kind of BigCommerce emails to send.

14 Types of emails you must send as a BigCommerce store owner 

Online shoppers who purchase items from an email spend up to 138% more than those who do not receive email promotions. 

I have categorized the best emails sent in BigCommerce into three main types: transactional, promotional, and lifetime cycle emails. Let’s learn each of them.

  • Types of BigCommerce transactional emails

Transactional emails are sent to communicate with prospects/customers about their recent activity, like signing up for web forms, commercial transactions, items marked favorites, checkout, etc.

Examples of the best types of BigCommerce transactional emails are: 

  • Welcome emails 
  • Abandoned cart emails 
  • Order confirmation emails  
  • Shipping and delivery emails  

Let’s learn about them in detail below. 

1. Welcome emails – Make a great first impression

Welcome emails are a warm gesture, or we can say virtual handshakes that introduce your brand to new subscribers.

These emails mainly express gratitude for their interest and initiate relationship-building by presenting a glimpse of your brand’s uniqueness.

There are various scenarios for sending BigCommerce welcome emails, like if a prospect signed up for your newsletter on the web, downloaded a gated resource, or made a purchase.

Make your transactional email more useful by including catchy CTAs to guide recipients further in the buying cycle.

Here’s an example of a welcome email from the famous clothing brand Ralph Lauren:

Example of welcome email

2. Abandoned cart emails – Recover lost opportunities

Abandoned cart emails are the most eminent communication emails to increase sales or regain missed opportunities.

As per a recent study by Baymardthe average cart abandonment rate is calculated as 70.19%, which is huge for your success if implemented correctly!

You can increase your sales with compelling abandoned cart emails to remind your prospects what they’ve missed.

Below is an excellent example of an abandonment cart email to lure customers into completing their buying:

Example of an abandonment cart email

Add a personal touch to your abandoned cart emails BigCommerce, offer incentives like discounts, and create a sense of urgency to encourage them to complete their purchase.

You can fasten your cart recovery process using beautiful pre-built email templates and automation.

Convert abandoned carts into sales!

Convert abandoned carts into sales!

Leverage Automation Journeys to build personalized abandoned cart email campaigns to win sales.

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3. Order confirmation emails – Build trust and assurance

After completing the purchase, keeping your customers updated about their order confirmation is a great way to keep them assured. 

Your BigCommerce order confirmation email must have essential details like order summary, price, delivery date or time, and more.

Make your BigCommerce order emails simple, clear, and concise. Here is an example you can refer to:

Order confirmation emails

4. Shipping and delivery emails – Keep your customer in the loop

After placing any order, your customers want to know the shipping details. This is a great way to notify them more about their purchase and engage them with your brand.

Ensure to send a shipping email to keep your customers updated about every milestone, like out for delivery, in the warehouse, shipped, on the way, time to get delivered, and any necessary instructions for parcel receiving.  

Here is a beautiful example of a shipping email update to refer to:

Example of shipping email update
  • Different types of promotional emails for BigCommerce

Promotional emails are designed to raise awareness about a specific deal or promotion you’re offering. There are two best of kinds to grow your BigCommerce store sales:  

  • Product promotions and offers 
  • Limited-time deals and flash sales  

Let’s learn about them in detail below. 

5. Product promotions and offers – Attract your potential customers

Promotional emails highlight special discounts/offers or new product launches to entice your customers into increasing sales.

Make good efforts in crafting attractive subject lines, captivating visuals, and copy, as they can be game changers to increase your revenue.

A great promotional email can quickly get the prospect’s attention and help you win engagement and drive sales.

Take a look at the captivating promotional email example mentioned below:

Promotional email example

With every promotional email, ensure to communicate the value of the promotion clearly.

6. Limited-time deals and flash sales – FOMO play card

Scarcity drives attention!

Marketers are pros in playing FOMO cards to ignite customers’ attention and boost opportunities.

Limited-time deals and flash sales emails aim at creating an urgency to make the purchase; hence, your emails must be compelling and time-bound. 

Use persuasive email copy and captivating visuals to convey the incredible value your customer will get by acting promptly.

Refer to the example below for a better idea for creating a successful flash sales email: 

Flash sales email example
  • Types of lifecycle emails for BigCommerce

Lifecycle emails are a part of every solid email marketing strategy, where you engage prospects at various stages of buying cycles.

These emails are highly targeted and are designed to meet specific objectives.

Here are the best types of lifecycle emails: 

  • Customer feedback and review requests 
  • Win-back emails  
  • Cross-sell and upsell emails 
  • Personalized recommendations emails  
  • Educational and informative content  
  • Loyalty programs and rewards 
  • Holiday greetings and seasonal emails 
  • Birthdays and anniversary emails 

Let’s learn about them in detail below. 

7. Customer feedback and review requests – Ask for customer suggestions

With feedback and review request emails, you can encourage your customers to share their brand experience and let you engage with them.

You can leverage positive feedback or happy client testimonials as social proof to establish trust among your target audience.

Here is a fantastic example of requesting an email to earn a Google review:

Customer feedback and review requests emails

8. Win-back emails – Reignite interest

Win-back email campaigns target inactive customers with an exciting offer to rekindle their interest and drive them to your sales pages.

You can personalize these emails and offer exciting discounts or membership to ensure they can’t ignore but start shopping again.

Here’s an example of a win-back email for you:

Win-back emails example

Sending BigCommerce win-back emails is a great strategy to regain your lost customers and thus improve your sales. Make an irresistible offer with a compelling email visual and copy.

Remember to craft your subject lines as crisp, concise, and snappy.

Power up email marketing with automation

Power up email marketing with automation

Create targeted email campaigns, automate, and track success for more revenue.

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9. Cross-sell and upsell emails – Enhance the value

Sending cross-sell or upsell email is a cost-effective strategy to increase your sales. 

You can recommend complementary or upgraded products to your customers based on their recent web activity, past purchase history, or Live Chat queries.

These email campaigns can be highly customized and structured to increase your average order values and enhance customer experience.

The below example will help to understand this kind of:

Cross-sell and upsell emails

10. Personalized recommendations emails – Tailored shopping experience

The magic of personalized is unfailing for customer engagement.

You can track their past purchases and evaluate their favorite list or shopping cart to suggest similar products. This is a great gesture of showing how they matter to your brand. 

Try to provide tailored offers that align with their preference, as this enhances the likelihood of purchasing.

Refer to the example below of personalized recommendation emails. 

Personalized recommendation emails

Integrate your BigCommerce store with Salesmate CRM and leverage Smart Emails to grow your eCommerce business opportunities by sending personalized emails that hit just right.

11. Educational and informative content emails – Add value beyond sales 

Sending emails with educational and informational content lets your customers engage and build credibility.

Content types such as infographics, educational blog links, how-to guides, video tutorials, and quick tips work great to educate and entertain your prospects.

When you take a moment to educate your customers about a particular thing, you build a reliable image of your brand in their eyes. 

This builds their trust in you, strengthening the customer relationship. The example below is a perfect picture of the same:

Research your prospects’ interests and challenges through their social engagement and analytics tools to craft content that brings engagement and generates leads for you.

Related read: 12 best email lead generation techniques to 10x sales

12. Loyalty programs and rewards emails – Foster customer loyalty

Want to build ever-lasting customer relationships? Send loyalty programs and reward emails.

Sending loyalty program emails makes your customers feel valued and appreciated.

You must highlight the key benefits of joining your loyalty program, plus offer exclusive discount options like early access to sales or special rewards to persuade them to join.

This will help you build a segmented prospect list that will likely convert with a few further lead nurturing efforts.

The example below is a great reference for an eCommerce store owner:  

Loyalty programs and rewards emails

13. Holiday greetings and seasonal emails – Spread festive cheer

Sending warm wishes with offers on holiday or seasonal events is a great way to drive engagement and sales opportunities.

Your brand can create opportunities for sales at special events like Christmas, New Year, and Easter.

The below example will be an insightful learning experience about a holiday greeting email:

Holiday greetings and seasonal emails

Here is the best tip to trigger success with these kinds of emails: Target with a limited-time offer to develop a sense of urgency that helps you win sales.

Why Integrate Salesmate with BigCommerce?

Why Integrate Salesmate with BigCommerce?

You can unlock business growth with omnichannel targeting, drive engagement with personalization, and boost efficiency with automation.

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14. Birthdays and anniversary emails – Celebrate special moments

Showing up to your customers or prospects on their birthday anniversary is an excellent way to connect with them at a personal level.

eCommerce brands can send anniversary emails to create sales opportunities and establish personal connections. It shows that you value and celebrate them. 

Ensure to craft these emails in a way they feel celebrated and convinced to get something from your collection for the occasion. 

The below image is a good example for you to learn:

Birthdays and anniversary emails

I hope this was helpful.

You could send these 14 top BigCommerce customer emails to grow your sales and relationships.

Want to have the best email templates to grow your BigCommerce store? Find them in the latter section of the blog.

Maximizing BigCommerce email success with Salesmate CRM!

The open rate for automated emails is around 70% higher than for manual emails.

So, with BigCommerce automated emails, you can boost productivity and drive more sales opportunities.

Connect your BigCommerce store with Salesmate CRM to:

  • Target prospects with personalized email campaigns that drive engagement and revenue. 
  • Create segmented lists of subscribers and send tailored emails in bulk with Smart Emails
  • Regain missed opportunities with captivating abandoned cart emails.
  • Visualize orders (deals in Salesmate) with sales pipeline management to grab all the likely sales opportunities.
  • Leverage pre-made templates or build reusable email templates using a drag-and-drop email builder. 
  • Track your emails and analyze their performance to optimize strategy. 

Explore the advanced email marketing software to empower your eCommerce businesses to achieve various marketing, sales, and revenue goals. 

It’s an ideal software for creating effective email campaigns and achieving results.   

Boost your BigCommerce store sales with Salesmate!

Boost your BigCommerce store sales with Salesmate!

Segmented targeting, personalized campaign, automation capabilities, and much more to skyrocket business.

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12 Most useful BigCommerce email templates that you must leverage 

These are the best BigCommerce email templates designed specifically for BigCommerce email marketing, aimed to ease your email marketing efforts and help you grow faster.

1. Email template for shipping confirmation

Subject line: Your [Your Brand Name] order is on its way! 🚚 

Hi [Customer Name]

Your order is on its way! Your tracking number is [tracking number]. You can track your order here: [link to tracking page]. 

The estimated delivery date is [estimated delivery date]

Thank you for shopping with us! 


[Company Name] 

2. Email template for winning back customers

Subject: We Miss You, [Customer’s Name]! Here’s [Discount]% Off for You 🙌 

Hey [Customer Name]

We haven’t seen you in a while, and we miss you! 

We know you’re busy, but we hope you’ll take a few minutes to check out our latest products. We’ve added a lot of new items since you were last here, and we think you’ll love them. 

To show you how much we miss you, here’s a special discount of 15% off on your next purchase.

Just use the code WELCOMEBACK at checkout. 

We hope to see you soon! 


[Your Name] 

3. BigCommerce abandoned cart email template

Subject: You left your shopping cart here… 

Hey [Customer Name]

We noticed you left a few items in your cart at [Company Name].  

We’re unsure if you forgot about them or just needed some time to think about it, but we wanted to send you a friendly reminder. 

Here’s what you left behind: 

[Item 1]  

[Item 2] 

[Item 3] 

We know you’re busy, so we’re making it easy for you to complete your purchase.  

Just click the button below, and you’ll be taken right to your cart. 

[Button: Complete Purchase] 

Or, if you’re not ready to buy just yet, you can always save your cart for later.  

It will be there for 30 days, so no worries! 😊  

[Button: Save Cart]  

Thanks for shopping with [Company Name]


[Your Name/ Company Name] 

4. Back-in-stock email campaign template

Subject: [Product Name] is back in stock! 

Hey [Customer Name]

We’re excited to announce that [Product Name] is back in stock! 

We know you were interested in purchasing this product, so we’re happy to let you know it’s now available. 🤩 

To purchase [Product Name], just click the link below. 

[Link to Product Page] 

We hope to see you soon! 


[Your Name] 

5. Promotional email template for exclusive offers and discounts

Subject: It’s [holiday] season! 

Hi [Customer Name]

We’re celebrating this season by offering you a special [discount amount] on all of our [products]

This offer is only available for a limited time, so don’t wait! 

Click here to shop now. 


[Company Name]

6. Template for upselling or cross-selling during a purchase

Subject: Would you like to add [product name] to your order? 

Hi [Customer Name]

We noticed that you’re interested in [product name].  

[2nd product name] is a great addition to [product name] because it helps you [benefit]. 

To add [2nd product name] to your order, simply click the link below. 

Click here to add [2nd product name] to your order. 


[Company Name] 

7. Welcome email campaign template 

Subject: Welcome to [Brand Name]! 🎉 

Hey [Customer Name]

Welcome to [Brand Name]! We’re so glad you’re here. 

We know you’re probably eager to start shopping, so we won’t keep you long.  

But before you go, we wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves. 

[Brand Name] is a company that believes in making it easy for people to find the products they love.  

We offer a wide variety of handy products at competitive prices, and we’re always adding new items to our inventory.

We also believe in providing excellent customer service. If you ever have any questions or problems, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help! 

Thanks again for choosing [Brand Name]. We hope you enjoy your shopping experience! 


[Your Name]

8. Limited-time offer email template 

Subject: Flash Sale Alert: [Discount]% Off for the next 24 hours! ⏰ 

Hi [Customer Name]

Don’t miss out on this! Offer expires in 24 hours [Embed a countdown timer if you want.] 

Save [discount amount] on [product name] today. 

So, don’t wait. Hurry up! 

Click here to shop now and grab the offer! 


[Your Brand Name] 

9. Referral email campaign template 

Subject: Thank you for your referral 😊!

Hey [Customer Name]

We wanted to take a moment to thank you for referring your friend [Friend’s Name] to us. We appreciate it and are glad you’re happy with our products or services.  

As a thank you for your referral, we’re giving you a $10 discount on your next purchase.  

Just use the code REFERRAL at checkout. 

Thanks again, [Customer Name] 


[Your Name]

10. Email template for promoting a new product

Subject: Introducing our new product! 🚀 

Hi [Customer Name]

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new product, [product name]

[Product name] is a [product description]. It’s perfect for [target audience]

We’re offering a special discount on [product name] for a limited time only to celebrate the launch. 

Click here to explore and take advantage of this offer!


[Company Name] 

11. Email template for subscriber-only discounts

Subject: Dear [Customer name]. Exclusive offer only for you! 

Hi [Customer Name],

As a valued subscriber, we invite you to take advantage of our exclusive offer! Save [discount amount] on your next purchase. 

This offer is only available for our subscribers, so don’t miss out! 

Click here to shop now. 


[Company Name] 

12. Survey email campaign template 

Subject: We’d love your thoughts on this 

Hey [Customer Name]

We’re always looking for ways to improve our products and services, and we need your help! 

We’d like to ask you a few questions about your experience with [Company Name].  

Your feedback will help us make [Company Name] even better. 

The survey only takes a few minutes to complete, and your answers will be kept confidential. 

To take the survey, just click the link below. 

[Link to Survey] 

Thank you for your time! 


[Your Company Name] 


Apart from the above discussed, other email types that can help you drive engagement and build trust are campaigns showcasing social proofs like customer success, webinar or competition invites, industry news, and updates.

Remember, you must be clear about each of your email campaign’s purposes to craft the message right and achieve the desired results.

Lastly, you must leverage email marketing automation to skyrocket your success with your email marketing.

Frequently asked questions

Does BigCommerce provide email service?

The BigCommerce platform offers email services through integration with third-party email marketing apps. You should set up your email accounts using your store’s domain through the email platform control panel settings.

What are the types of BigCommerce emails?

There are various types of BigCommerce emails. However, they are categorized into- transactional, promotional, and lifetime cycle emails.

How can abandoned cart emails help recover lost sales on BigCommerce?

Abandoned cart emails are customized to push the customers to complete their purchases by offering various discounts and offers.

What metrics should you use to measure the success of BigCommerce email campaigns?

Metrics to measure your BigCommerce email campaigns include open, conversion, click-through, ROI, and bounce rates.

Sonali Negi

Sonali is a writer born out of her utmost passion for writing. She is working with a passionate team of content creators at Salesmate. She enjoys learning about new ideas in marketing and sales. She is an optimistic girl and endeavors to bring the best out of every situation. In her free time, she loves to introspect and observe people.

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