Outbound Sales

Email & text campaigns
Create and send bulk emails and texts right from CRM.

Inbound Sales

Sales pipeline management
Have a 360-degree view of every stage of sales pipeline.

Lead capture and nurturing
Capture and nurture leads with smart automation.

Sales sequences
Automate your follow-ups and increase outreach.

Built-in calling w/ recording Built-in calling w/ recording
Make calls and connect faster without leaving your CRM.
Top rated across all platforms
Customers have rated us the best compared to any other software across review platforms like G2, Gartner, TrustRadius.

Account based Sales

Account management
Manage all your accounts and activities in one place.

Omnichannel conversations
Connect with your prospects from different platforms.

Customer engagement
Delight your customers with personalized conversations.

Remote Sales

Smart queues
Automate your day’s tasks for increased productivity.

Built-in virtual phone system Built-in virtual phone system
Appear local and connect with prospects in any country.
Integrate Salesmate with your favorite apps
Salesmate integrates with 700+ business apps including Google Apps, Microsoft, and Zapier