Free sales commission calculator

Want to provide sales commission but not sure which structure to follow? Now, get free access to our sales commission calculator tool and find out how each structure functions.

Free sales commission calculator

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Sales Commission Calculator

Why do you need sales commission in your business process?

With Salesmate’s commission calculator, you can accurately determine commissions for your reps. You can choose from different commission structures and implement a commission plan aligned with your business.

Increased revenue

Increased revenue

The more sales your rep makes, the more commission they’ll earn. So, providing commission also results in revenue growth.

Achieve your sales goals

Achieve your sales goals

Sales commission also helps your achieve sales goals such as acquiring new customers, nurturing existing clients, and building relationships with high-value customers.

Manage payroll expenses

Manage payroll expenses

Sales commission calculator enables you to manage the payroll expenses as you are only providing commission to deserving reps.

High productivity

High productivity

Extra income is a strong motivating factor, so by providing sales commission, you can keep your employees motivated.

How sales commission can scale your business

In our sales commission calculator, we have provided calculations for various types of sales commission structures that you can analyze and implement into your business model.

Our sales commission template covers 6 types of sales commissions

  • Straight commission plan
  • Base salary + Commission
  • Commission draw
  • Tiered commission plan
  • Gross margin commission
  • Residual commission

Trusted by sales professionals worldwide

Hear from clients who’ve boosted their success with our CRM solution.

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Andrew JamesAndrew JamesChrome User

After trying over 30 different CRM software, I found everything I need in Salesmate without paying over the odds. It gives flexibility to customize. Besides, they have outstanding customer support too.

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Great CRM with more features than other CRMs that's triple the cost. Very user friendly interface, very friendly and responsive support.

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An absolutely outstanding CRM with built-in email and text scheduling / templates, extensive organization & customization capabilities, and robust workflow automation. And all at a great price! Very highly recommended!

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The chrome plugin (Gmail CRM) of Salesmate has been a huge help. It's incredibly simple to use and super intuitive. The support is quick and precise. Would definitely recommend.

Nate JonesNate JonesChrome User

I have tried many CRM for my real estate business, and found none like Salesmate. Really impressed with its excellent features like email tracking, email scheduling, and workflow automation.

Andrew JamesAndrew JamesChrome User