Trusted by 8,500+ businesses globally
Why try Salesmate’s email template editor?
Truly Simple, for Anyone!
You don’t need technical expertise. Try once, and you already know it. As simple as it can be!
Pre-designed Structures
You don’t even have to start from scratch. We’ve added the most useful template structures already.
Use Your HTML Templates
Already have a template that works for you? Just add the HTML and kickstart.
Reusable & conversion-driven email templates in minutes!
Learn how Salesmate’s drag-and-drop template editor helps you create emails that people can’t wait to read!
Everything you need for a successful newsletter
Just load the content, structures are ready!
Responsive designs that work everywhere
Use your existing HTML code
Top rated across all platforms
Customers have rated us the best compared to any other software across review platforms like G2, Gartner, TrustRadius.
Reuse templates with Salesmate automation
A/B test templates and find your perfect match
Salesmate is much more than a drag-drop email editor!
Salesmate is a complete solution for businesses that want to bring sales, marketing, and CX teams to the same table and create a single source of truth for data.
Sales Pipeline Management
Customize sales pipelines according to your business. Create unlimited pipelines!
Contact Management
Efficient Contact Management Platform for enriched prospect and customer data.
Built-in Calling
Make sales calls right from your CRM and save extra bucks every month on telephony systems.
Text Messaging
Leverage texts in your marketing and sales. Add a new communication channel.
Sales Sequences
Take automatic follow-ups with prospects and partners. Save atleast 30% time every day.
Automation Journeys
Create Journey-based Automations and put mundane tasks on autopilot. Build customer journeys from scratch.
Live Chat & Chatbots
Capture leads automatically and always be there for website visitors. Provide support 24×7.
Shared Team Inbox
Manage common email addresses like a team and deliver extraordinary customer experiences.
Mobile CRM
Take your CRM everywhere. Conversations and data in your palm. Excellent iOS & Android apps for you.
Try Salesmate for 15 days
Improve your team productivity with the best sales and business suites