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Sales CRM 6 Min read September, 2017

6 Must-Know CRM Statistics for Small Businesses (updated in 2024)

With its wide array of benefits, CRM software has proved to be an asset for companies of all sizes. CRM’s history narrates the numbers it has boosted over the years. CRM has the potential to accelerate revenue by 41% per sales personnel. If you still haven’t thought of investing in this helpful solution, the below CRM statistics will give you a reason to think.

The CRM statistics will help you to visualize your business progress with this technology.

CRM statistics that needs your attention

CRM is one of the most powerful software that has played a vital role in increasing sales for many companies.

Below are the CRM statistics you shouldn’t miss if you endeavor to pave your way to the top in your industry:

1. CRM Growth

CRM with its exceptional features and benefits has been capturing the attention of entrepreneurs from different business verticals. The accelerating customer retention rate has made CRM the most preferred technology by the sales team. Currently, thee CRM market has a value of $120 billion. By 2025, the CRM market is estimated to have a value of $82 billion, growing at 12% per year.

The reason for the rise in the demand and growth of this impeccably performing technology is its capability to increase the overall efficiency of the business.

It revolutionizes the way a company operates and ameliorates the performance of the employees to achieve the desired business result.

CRM addresses all the challenges of a business and aids in developing a long-term relationship with the client. Using CRM, companies can analyze their business performance, anticipate future growth, track their employee’s progress, and strategize the plan of action for their projects.

Sales teams have benefitted the most by a CRM as it helps them in managing their data and deals, tracking their customer’s activities, identifying opportunities, extracting client’s information, forecasting sales, and handling inactive deals.

Till you do not focus on a client’s business issue they will not be interested in investing in your product. CRM helps in recognizing the customer’s business needs and supports in offering a suitable solution.

Due to CRM’s easy to use and performance enhancement features it has gained massive popularity in the industry. 75% of sales honchos said that CRM could be a beneficial tool in boosting sales figures.

CRM Growth

2. Cloud-Based CRM

The cloud-based solution has the potential to take your business to the peak. Cloud-based CRM gives the flexibility to work from any device at any time. As per our analysis, 81% of CRM users access their CRM from various devices. Due to qualities like easy maintenance and operational agility, many small, medium, and large-scale enterprises have embraced cloud technology. 63% of businesses opt for cloud-hosted CRM systems over on-premise applications.

Tapping the cloud will help you to expand your boundaries and function in a better way. By embracing a cloud-based CRM you can easily search information, update records, collaborate with your team and share necessary data instantly. It renders easy access to data and has no additional installation or maintenance cost.

Cloud CRM doesn’t only gives you 24 x 7 access to your vital data but also ensures your sensitive data is safe. Most of the companies are switching to the cloud as it is time-saving and has high-end security systems to keep the data safe from a security breach.

3. Extended to Mobile CRM

The CRM has extended its functionalities to mobile which has boosted the performance of sales rep. It helps them to perform seamlessly without any hindrance. With the advanced features of mobile CRM, the sales rep can connect with their clients at any hour of the day and keep the ball rolling towards success. As per our market research, 65% of the sales rep who adopted the mobile CRM could hit their sales quota.

Mobile CRM gives sales professionals immediate access to customer’s past data and interaction. That will them to coordinate better even when they are not at their desk.

They can view the conversation and respond to comments at any time. Mobile CRM helps them to stay prepared for unexpected calls. With all the data in front of their eyes, sales reps can instantaneously render customers the information they want.

They can positively influence their buying decision. As per a research sales teams observed 15% increase in productivity on embracing a CRM mobile app.

4. Offers more returns on investment

The metrics of ROI is the most vital figure for an entrepreneur. Companies invest with a motive to see a proliferation in their revenue graph. With a CRM solution, achieving this motto gets easier. CRM offers an average ROI of $2.50 to $5.60 for every dollar spent. This figure displays the high potentials of CRM in embracing lucrative opportunities.

Offers more returns on investment

With its exceptional features like easy automation, seamless integration and ease of use, CRM increases conversions and helps in cost avoidance. CRM gives you a better ROI by Improving productivity, lowering cost and aiding sales professionals in generating more revenue.

5. Used by sales team to improve operations

48% of sales teams heavily utilize their CRM systems to improve operations. CRM streamlines the sales process and makes the work easier for sales professionals.

There is less clutter, that decreases confusion and helps sales reps in performing better. They are able to manage their sales deal more efficiently due to which there are able to close more deals.

6. Proliferate sales figure and provide sales forecast accuracy

The easy-to-use CRM technology not only helps in increasing the sales revenue figure but also helps in accurately forecasting the sales revenue. A study by Nucleus Research states that CRM increases sales by 29% and sales forecast accuracy by 42%.

Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision – Peter Drucker

Numbers make a big difference. We hope these CRM statistics will show your a new pathway. Take the right decision and choose apt CRM. Such decisions can change the face of your business.

To make a difference for your company explore Salesmate CRM. Salesmate CRM is a complete sales solution designed for your business needs to help you position your company.

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An avid writer who likes to explore new fields and research about interesting subjects. She is a versatile content developer who plays with words to express her thoughts. Calm, carefree and creative are the words that describes her the best.

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