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Lead generation for lawyers: A guide for generating more leads
Lead generationSales 11 Min read October, 2022

Lead generation for lawyers: A guide for generating more leads

Lead generation for lawyers becomes challenging if they don’t know the real crux of doing it. 

To generate high-quality legal leads consistently for your law firm, you must clearly understand your client’s persona and pain points.

Lead generation for lawyers statistics

So, first, let’s get started with the meaning of lead generation for lawyers.

What is lead generation for lawyers?

Lead generation for lawyers involves various practices that help them attract prospective clients who can opt for their legal services.

The practices majorly involve digital marketing tactics and the support of result-driven CRM software, automation, and lead generation tools.

Getting a constant flow of high-quality legal leads ready to convert into paying clients is necessary to sustain law firms.

Hence, our next topic covers all the top lead generation strategies for lawyers.

9 Powerful lead generation strategies for law firms & lawyers

Lawyers strive for leads to grow in their profession, therefore invest in various lead generation tactics from organic to paid. Let’s begin with our best lawyer lead generation strategies to get more new clients for your law firms.

1. Build an impactful law firm website

If you are all set for generating leads, ensure you have a professional lead generation website for your law firm. Your website is a digital identity of your law firm.

Key elements of lawyer's website

To create a lead generation website for your law firms, follow the essential tips mentioned below.

Impactful design: Legal business website design must be professional and in sync with your business identity.

About us section: You must have a bio section that discusses your work, success story, mission, and vision in the most effective manner that impresses your web visitors.

Develop top-notch content: It works best for lead generation if your website has customer-centric content. Showcase your unique selling points and the benefits of associating with your company.

Call-to-Action: All efforts to get leads will be enhanced by enticing CTA buttons on every possible segment of your website.

Contact Us: You must include your contact information, such as emails address and phone numbers, for your web visitors.

Loading time: Your law firm website should load quickly.

Having an impactful law firm website is always a boon for lead generation. Ensure your site is well-optimized for all digital devices; phones, tablets, and laptops.

2. Create high-converting landing pages

Landing pages differ from the regular web pages of your site on various parameters. Dedicated lead generation landing pages can help lawyers capture quality leads and outshine your competitive lawyers.

An effective law firm landing page should have a perfect blend of design, information, and functionality that attract your target audience to communicate, engage and turn into a paying client. 

Essentials of law firm landing page

You can leverage your high-converting landing pages to capture more leads by adding elements such as live chat, web forms, and meeting scheduler.

Capture leads in multiple ways!

Capture leads in multiple ways!

Use Salesmate's advanced features, such as Live Chat, Meeting Scheduler, and Web Forms, to capture quality leads.

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3. Implement SEO tactics for attorney lead generation

SEO for law firm websites or landing pages is a prosperous lead generation tactic to attain a good position on SERPs.

Lawyers must optimize their websites or landing pages for search engines to make their valuable content more visible to their target audience.

It will enhance your chances of getting more organic leads, people searching for legal advice or wanting to hire a lawyer for a case.

SEO tips for lawyers

If you want to boost your online presence in your area, SEO tactics like local citation and registering your law firm on Google my Business will help you get local leads.

Though SEO takes a specific time to drive fruitful results, it is one of the most lucrative organic lead generation techniques.

4. Create lead-generating content

With high-quality content, law firms can generate quality legal leads. You can offer top-notch helpful content on your website or landing pages that answer your prospect’s questions.

To attract those prospects who are likely to hire lawyers, you must persuade them through free content that offers a solution to their legal-related troubles.

Content ideas for law firms

Moreover, following a gated content strategy will help you to capture leads through a Web Form.

It would be best if you promoted your lead magnets through your social media account to drive more legal leads.

Along with lead generation, content helps boost your site ranking on search engine result pages.

A free consultation is a great lead generation tactic for legal, health, real estate, or any consulting industries.

It lets you connect with people searching for your services on a prior basis and is likely to convert as paying clients.

Lawyers offer a free consultation to build a sense of trust by meeting them in person or via video call. Such meetings enhance the chances of conversing with your clients.

Meeting scheduler- Salesmate

If you like the idea of free consultation, you must use a meeting scheduler on your law firm’s website, which will help your prospects schedule the appropriate as per their convenience.

Moreover, many law firms have started using CRM software to capture and manage data to ensure that you don’t miss out on potential clients.

Offer free consultation from anywhere!

Offer free consultation from anywhere!

Leverage Salesmate's integration with Google Meet and Zoom to schedule meetings.

Explore Meeting Scheduler

6. Social media marketing to generate leads for lawyers

Social media marketing works excellently as a lead generation strategy for all B2B and B2C businesses, consulting services, or other industries.

Importance of linkedIn for lawyers statistics

Lawyers and law firms take the help of social media to create brand awareness, lead generation, know more about their clients, and do promotions.

If you are wondering which platform will suit you as a lawyer, then the information below can be helpful for you.

Best social media platforms for lawyers

You can boost your authority as a lawyer on social media by regularly sharing your case studies, wise legal advice, and helpful content.

7. Lead generation for lawyers via paid ads

PPC ads help to showcase your site in the top three positions on SERPs for the targeted keywords. When someone clicks on your ads, the bid amount is deducted from the ad budget on every click.

PPC advertising enables you to get leads quickly but, at the same time, is a bit costlier compared to other digital marketing lead generation tactics. 

To win with your PPC ad campaign, you must research the most relevant keywords for bidding and navigate them to high-converting landing pages to capture maximum leads and improve lead generation efforts.

You must hire a PPC ad campaign expert to set up ads for your law firms. See the below two actionable tips on PPC lead generation for lawyers.

  • Create lead-generating landing pages for your law firm: Creating customized landing pages for each ad campaign is more beneficial for lead generation and conversion.
  • Testing and optimizing ad campaigns: Every parameter of an ad campaign, such as the targeted keywords phrases, ad copy, landing pages, CPC, CTR, etc., must be tested and then optimized for better.

Once the goal of driving web traffic is accomplished through a PPC ad campaign, lead capturing would be more accessible through the landing page using various lead capturing tools.

8. Leverage reviews and referrals

From the client’s perspective, that lawyer or law firm with positive online ratings and reviews pertains for hire.

Knowing this, gaining positive reviews and ratings has become a critical factor for the lead generation strategy.

Best review sites for lawyers

You can create your profile on review sites with high authority and an online presence. You can also showcase your happy clients’ testimonials to drive more leads to your website.

Once the prospects land on your law firm’s website, it will be easier to get their contact details using Web Forms, via Live Chat interaction and Meeting Scheduler.

9. Email marketing for getting SQLs for law firms

Email marketing is all time favorite lead generation strategy of marketers due to its high ROI and cost-effectiveness.

If your email list is ready, you can set the result-driven email campaign to generate sales-qualified clients for your legal firms.

You can offer lead magnets such as guides and eBooks in the downloadable form on your website to capture leads with the attached sign-up Web Form.

Once you have an email list of your prospects, you can target specific segments from the list by sending personalized target emails. An email marketing tool can help you to win the game of sending the right message to the ideal prospect at the right time.

If you’re planning to purchase email marketing software, you must check our blog, the 20 best email marketing software to boost your business.

All attorneys and law firms are into organic marketing strategies such as content, social selling, search engine optimization, etc.

Benefits of buying leads statistics

But, they are not restricted to this when getting more leads quickly for their law firms.

In fact, 49% of law firms seek the support of legal lead generation services to get leads. These companies generate leads for your law firms and will send you a verified list of prospects that will likely take your legal services.

There are various lead generation pricing models preferred by lead-generating companies, such as cost per lead, cost per appointment, retainer, and bulk data purchasing.

Purchasing legal leads seems to be a more accessible lead-generating medium for solo practicing lawyers and smaller or mid-size law firms.

Remember buying leads can be ineffective as you don’t have any control over the quality of leads.

However, many lawyers/law firms purchase leads, yet it is somewhat against the industry ethics standard.


The lead generation tactics we have covered in this blog are the most effective ones for lawyers/law firms.

So, you can grow your legal business faster by proceeding with some effective lead generation tactics and adopting advanced CRM & automation software.

In this highly competitive legal industry, a CRM for lawyers can help to manage clients’ data, monitor sales opportunities and client information, handle accounts, and build strong customer relationships.

Salesmate CRM enables lawyers to manage their client’s cases effortlessly. The software offers various features; Contact Management, Built-in calling, Marketing Automation, Smart Emails, Business App Integrations, Web Forms, Chat Journeys, and many more that help converts new leads and nurture the existing ones.

Want to know if Salesmate is the right fit for your law firm? Get a 15-day free trial.

Frequently Asked Questions on attorney lead generation

What is a lead for law firms? 
What is attorney lead generation? 
How do attorneys get leads?
What is the cost per lead for the legal industry?

The average cost of law firm leads is around $ 784 with paid and $516 with organic lead generation strategies.

Sonali Negi

Sonali is a writer born out of her utmost passion for writing. She is working with a passionate team of content creators at Salesmate. She enjoys learning about new ideas in marketing and sales. She is an optimistic girl and endeavors to bring the best out of every situation. In her free time, she loves to introspect and observe people.

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