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7 Sales force automation features to boost your team’s productivity
Sales AutomationSales 7 Min read October, 2022

7 Sales force automation features to boost team’s productivity

Sales reps are constantly juggling their never-ending activities. Whether it’s sales outreach, managing leads or coordinating with the team, a sales rep needs to manage multiple tasks. 

To improve the productivity of your sales reps, you need to implement sales automation solutions in your business.

Sales force automation is the process of automating the entire sales process from prospecting to closing and nurturing.

Sales force automation can result in a 30% increase in deal closures, shortens the sales cycle by 18%, and reduces administration time by 14%.

However, to experience these benefits, you need sales force automation software with advanced and intuitive features.

So, let’s understand the key sales force automation features that every company needs to consider before selecting the software.

7 Sales force automation features of an ideal SFA software

When choosing a sales force automation software, you must ensure that it offers various automation features. Such features of sales force automation can help increase the productivity of your sales team and eliminate repetitive sales tasks.

Essential sales force automation features

1. Task automation 

Task automation eliminates manual tasks like assigning deals, taking notes, notifying the team, etc. This feature ensures that your entire internal process is streamlined so that your sales reps can focus more on important tasks.

Hence, it’s one of the most crucial sales automation features that every sales team needs.

Moreover, with the help of pipeline management tool, your sales team can also get notified whenever the deal moves forward in the sales pipeline. By tracking every progress in the sales pipeline, your sales team can seize important opportunities at the right time.

2. Sales cadence automation

When a lead is in the initial stage of the customer journey, they might not be ready to buy. Hence, you always need to maintain multiple touchpoints with your potential leads.

So, when your lead wants to make a purchase, your product/service will be on top of their mind. You can only execute this with the best sales automation software with a sales cadence feature.

Using cadences, you can automate your email and text outreach with sales automation platforms.

This sales force automation feature enables you to schedule your emails and texts, personalize them, and measure their performance.

sales cadence automation- Salesmate

Therefore, you need software that offers sales cadences and lets you stay connected with your leads and customers.

Create a winning sales cadence!

Create a winning sales cadence!

Engage better with your leads with personalized sales cadences.

Explore Sales Cadence

3. Email automation

Emails are an inevitable part of every sales outreach.

Email automation is one of the essential sales automation features that lets you send personalized and automated emails at the right time to your potential leads.

You can automate your sales emails like cold outreach emails, pitch emails, appointment request emails, reminder emails, and so on.

Moreover, you can run A/B tests on your subject lines and measure the performance of your campaigns with email automation.

A/B testing - Salesmate

This feature lets you engage with your prospects by sending emails based on their actions. All of these activities are automated and have zero human involvement.

Hence, automated email management is another core function you should look for before implementing SFA software.

4. Data entry automation

Salespeople need to stay connected with their prospects constantly. So, moving between multiple screens and various channels can be very time-consuming. 

With data entry automation, your sales team doesn’t need to collect prospects’ data and enter it into the CRM.

It automatically fetches the contact information from different social media platforms and stores it in one place.

So, whenever new leads enter the sales pipeline, the auto-profile enrichment feature will provide all the necessary details to your rep within seconds.

Sales automation tools also allow you to perform bulk activities such as sending notifications to your prospects and sorting your contacts with tags and filters. 

5. Auto lead assignment

This sales force automation software feature simplifies pursuing and nurturing leads!

Rather than manually assigning leads to your reps, this sales force automation feature allows you to automate lead assignment and route leads to the right rep.

Auto lead assignment - Salesmate

It helps maintain transparency between the sales teams with a centralized database, increases productivity, and eliminates manual errors. 

6. Automated lead scoring

Manually qualifying leads is as difficult as generating new leads. Hence, to make this process easier, your team needs an automated lead scoring feature that helps prioritize leads.

Instead of manual lead scoring, you can automate the process by scoring leads based on the prospect’s behavior using marketing automation software.

For example, if your prospect engages with your landing page and submits their information, it will automatically assign a specific score.

Hence, the higher a prospect scores, the more likely they will convert into customers.

Convert sales-ready leads instantly!

Convert sales-ready leads instantly!

Get Salesmate's lead scoring and prioritize the most important leads.

Explore Salesmate Score

7. Automated reports

Sales reports clearly show what you’ve achieved and what strategy and actions you need for the future. Manually creating reports and organizing them is highly time-consuming.

Hence, one of the core features of the sales force automation tool is having automated Sales Reports.

You can analyze which channel is bringing maximum leads. Additionally, it can perform real-time sales forecasting, helps you give actionable reviews, view the leader activity board, and many more.

These are the seven most important and basic features of every sales force automation software.

Now, as discussed above, let’s learn about software that offers excellent sales force automation features.

Salesmate CRM – The best sales force automation software

Salesmate is a CRM (customer relationship management) & unified customer platform to engage prospects, boost sales, and personalize experiences for each customer.

This CRM offers a sales force automation feature that enhances your sales process efficiency and eventually helps you achieve your target.


Salesmate is an ideal sales automation tool for your dedicated sales and marketing teams.

With Salesmate, you can automate your entire sales process. This enables your sales team to stay connected with your potential customers and prospects at every stage with automated emails, reminders, and conversations.

Apart from the seven core features, its sales force automation solution offers features like Automation Journeys, Lead Scoring, Built-in Calling, Texting, Power Dialer, and so on.

Want to see if Salesmate is the right fit for your company? Try it yourself with a 15-days free trial.


Now that you’re aware of sales force automation software’s seven must-have features, it’s time to implement the right sales and marketing automation platform.

An intuitive sales force automation tool will empower your sales team to perform better and help automate time-consuming administrative tasks, sales outreach, workflows, and more!

Dhanashree Pal

Dhanashree has been into writing since her teens. She believes writing is the best way to express and explain everything happening in this world. Reading and imagining are something she can do for hours. Enthusiastic about exploring new places and food. Young and hopeful of becoming better with every passing day.

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