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Top 10 Lead nurturing best practices, tactics, and tips
Lead nurturingSales 8 Min read July, 2022

Top 10 Lead nurturing best practices, tactics, and tips

Are you doing everything you can to nurture leads? If not, you’re missing out on big opportunities. Nurturing leads is a process that enables you to build long-lasting relationships with your audience.

In fact, lead nurturing has the potential to shorten the sales cycle by 23%.

Lead nurturing is one of the best ways to convert leads into customers, and there are a few best practices you need to implement right away if you want to build a strong customer base. Below we have provided 10 lead nurturing tactics that your marketing and sales teams can implement.

Importance of lead nurturing for every business

Lead nurturing is a process where businesses provide targeted content and communication to individuals who have shown an interest in their product or service. The goal of lead nurturing is to build relationships with these leads and eventually convert them into customers.

Lead nurturing impacts the overall customer journey, hence helping you scale your business. Below are the main aspects where implementing lead nurturing can help you –

Importance of lead nurturing
  1. Increased ROI
  2. Create lasting customer relationships
  3. Acquire more high-quality leads
  4. Improve brand awareness
  5. Decrease customer acquisition cost
  6. Build credibility 

Lead nurturing is important for every business, no matter the size or industry. In fact, lead nurturing can result in a 50% increase in sales-ready leads, and can lead to a 20% increase in sales opportunities.

So, now that you know how lead nurturing affects your business process, it’s time to implement it.

Check out this blog to know more about lead nurturing benefits to grow your business.

10 Lead nurturing best practices and tactics you need to implement

You can easily create a lead nurturing strategy, but creating an effective strategy requires you to implement certain best practices. And below we’ve shared the 10 best lead nurturing tactics that can help you connect with your leads.

1. Create highly targeted content 

Different buyers are in different stages of the purchase cycle, so it’s important to create content that speaks to their specific needs. If you’re not sure where to start, consider using buyer personas to segment your audience and develop targeted content. 

Moreover, your content should be relevant to the lead’s interests and should address their pain points. If you can show them that you understand their needs and can provide a solution, they’re more likely to convert into a paying customer.

2. Implement omnichannel plan

Your lead nurturing efforts shouldn’t be limited to one or two channels. Instead, reach out to leads through a variety of channels, including email, social media, and targeted ads.

Omnichannel lead nurturing plan

By implementing this lead nurturing tactic, you can connect with your audience on their preferred platform. You can also provide a more seamless customer experience and improve your chances of lead conversion.

An omnichannel lead nurturing plan enables you to connect with your audience through multiple channels at once, resulting in an effective lead nurturing strategy.

3. Identify potential leads using lead scoring

Lead scoring is an ideal way to rate leads based on their likelihood of becoming paying customers. This type of system can help you prioritize your lead nurturing efforts and focus on the most promising leads.

Lead scoring

There are a few different ways to score leads, but one common method is to assign points for lead activity. For example, you could give a lead 1 point for visiting your website, 3 points for downloading a white paper, and 5 points for scheduling a demo.

Based on your lead scoring strategy, you can decide how much time and effort to put into nurturing them.

4. Align your sales and marketing strategies

If your sales and marketing teams aren’t aligned, lead nurturing won’t be as effective. After all, lead nurturing is a team effort.

Your sales team should be aware of the leads that marketing is nurturing so they can provide timely follow-ups. Likewise, your marketing team should know when a lead has been passed to sales so they can adjust their lead nurturing strategy. 

The best way to ensure alignment is to have regular communication between the sales and marketing teams. This can be in the form of weekly meetings, daily check-ins, or even a shared team inbox that can help your team stay on track with every progress.

By aligning your sales and marketing efforts, you can avoid duplication of effort and make sure leads are getting the attention they need.

5. Use lead nurturing software

Lead nurturing software can automate and streamline your lead nurturing process. This type of tool can send automatic emails, segment leads, and track lead activity.  

With lead nurturing software, you can save time and resources while still providing a high level of service to your leads. 

There are a number of lead nurturing software options on the market, so be sure to do your research and choose the tool that’s right for your business. By selecting the best lead nurturing software, you can easily automate your lead nurturing process using marketing automation, have a centralized database, and measure your performance.

Get the best lead nurturing software!

Get the best lead nurturing software!

Check out how Salesmate, the best lead nurturing software can help you streamline and automate your lead nurturing process.

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6. One-on-one conversations are important

Lead nurturing isn’t all about developing mass communication. You also need to make time for one-on-one conversations with leads.

These conversations can be in the form of phone calls, emails, or even face-to-face meetings. They provide an opportunity to build a relationship with the lead and better understand their needs.

One-on-one conversations also give you a chance to answer any questions the lead may have and overcome objections. As a result, you’re more likely to convert leads into customers. 

7. Follow-up consistently  

Consistency is key when it comes to lead nurturing. If you reach out to a lead once and then never follow up, they’re likely to forget about you.

On the other hand, if you reach out too often, you run the risk of coming across as pushy or sales-y. The best way to find the right balance is to experiment and see what works best for your audience.

A good lead nurturing strategy should include follow-up at least once a week. But depending on your industry and target market, you may need to follow up more or less frequently. 

8. Measure your results

Lead nurturing is a long-term strategy, so it’s important to measure your results to see if it’s working.

There are a few different metrics you can track, including lead conversion rate, lead churn rate, and customer lifetime value. By tracking these metrics, you can determine whether your lead nurturing efforts are paying off.

9. Create surveys 

One of the best ways to get feedback from your leads is to create surveys. Surveys can help you understand what leads are thinking, feeling, and doing at each stage of the buyer’s journey.  NPS surveys can also help you determine the satisfaction level of your customer.

This information can be used to improve your lead nurturing strategy and make sure you’re providing relevant content at each stage.

10. Keep your lead nurturing process up-to-date 

Lead nurturing is an ever-evolving process. As your business grows and changes, so too should your lead nurturing strategy.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with new tactics and adjust your strategy as needed. By keeping your lead nurturing process up-to-date, you can ensure you’re always providing the best possible experience for your leads.

Lead nurturing is a critical part of the lead generation process. By following these best practices, you can create a lead nurturing strategy that will help you close more deals and grow your business.


So there you have it – ten lead nurturing best practices to get you started.

But this is just the beginning! Keep in mind that your target audience may vary, so always test and measure how different content, channels, and strategies are impacting your leads.

And finally, don’t forget to follow up with timely emails and calls to close those deals.

Dhara Thakkar

Dhara Thakkar is a seasoned marketer at Salesmate. She thrives on trying new organic strategies to improve traffic & conversions, and has in-depth knowledge on how search works. When she's not working, you will find her travelling or binge watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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