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Develop a solid marketing automation strategy for your business
Marketing AutomationMarketing 8 Min read June, 2022

Develop a solid marketing automation strategy for your business

Marketing automation is an approach that has the potential of yielding high growth when done correctly. By implementing automation in your business, you can easily streamline your sales, marketing, and customer support processes.

In fact, 36% of marketers use marketing automation to eliminate repetitive tasks, so that they can focus more on important targets and goals.

Still, wondering whether marketing automation is the right solution to your business’s needs? Then keep on reading!

Why do you need to implement marketing automation in your business? 

One of the main benefits of marketing automation is that it allows you to target your customers more effectively. With marketing automation tools, you can segment your customer lists based on demographics, past website and marketing activities, and other key data points. 

This enables you to create highly customized marketing campaigns that speak directly to your audience’s needs and interests – boosting engagement and conversion rates.

Marketing automation has proven to be the #1 choice of many marketers, and for all the right reasons! There are a plethora of marketing automation benefits, which makes it even more important to get started with automation if you’re still taking a manual approach.

Below we have created a list of effective marketing automation strategies that you can implement in your business.

Build an effective marketing automation strategy

Whenever you’re going with a new approach in your business, you need to create a definitive strategy for it. Here, we’ve covered every aspect of marketing automation strategy so you can refer to it and create a cohesive marketing automation strategy for your business.

1. Decide what you want to automate

Before you start using marketing automation, it’s important to take a step back and think about what tasks you want to automate. This will vary from business to business, but some common marketing automation types include email marketing, social media campaigns, lead nurturing, and mobile marketing automation.

Once you’ve identified the tasks you want to automate, it’s time to start looking for the right marketing automation software. There are a number of different options on the market, so make sure to do your research and choose the tool that’s right for your business. 

Moreover, you need to clearly define where do you need to add a human touch. For instance, you might be having some high-value clients, so you can’t send them the same email.

You need to personalize it and ensure that it’s targeted directly towards them. A successful marketing automation strategy has the right balance between manual and automated approaches.

2. Define stakeholders

When setting up your marketing automation strategy, you need to clearly define the stakeholders and objectives. Who will be responsible for managing the marketing automation software? What are the goals you hope to achieve with marketing automation?  Who will be looking after the execution part?

To define this process, you need to assign different tasks to different people. For example, you can assign the outreach part to one person, then measure marketing automation KPIs to another, and so on.

For this, you can utilize the list that you’ve prepared of which tasks you need to automate. Thereafter, you can assign it to the person that possesses expertise in that specific segment. 

Answering these questions will help you get everyone on the same page and ensure that your marketing automation efforts are aligned with your business goals. 

3. Pick the right marketing automation tools

There are a number of marketing automation platforms available on the market. And with so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is right for your business.

Choose the right marketing automation tool

Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting marketing automation software

  1. Ease of use: The marketing automation tool you choose should be easy to use and intuitive so it improves your marketing efforts. Otherwise, it will be difficult for your marketing and sales team to get the most out of the software.
  2. Functionality: Make sure that the marketing automation tool you select has all the features you need to automate your marketing tasks.
  3. Cost: Choose a marketing automation tool that fits within your budget. There is a wide range of marketing automation solutions available, so you should be able to find one that’s affordable.
  4. Integration: The marketing automation tool you select should integrate with the other software you use, such as your CRM and email marketing platform. This will make it easy to manage all your marketing tasks in one place.

4. Execute your campaign

Now that you’ve selected the right marketing automation tool, it’s time to start executing your marketing campaigns. To do this, you’ll need to create a campaign plan and set up your marketing automation software.

Your campaign plan should include all the steps you need to take to complete your marketing goals. This can be anything from creating a series of email marketing messages to set up a social media campaign. The end goal should be to stay connected at every touchpoint of your customer journey.

Here’s how you can create a successful marketing campaign –

  • Personalize your email marketing outreach to connect better with your prospects and customers.
  • Use email templates to capture the attention of your readers and save more time. 
  • If you’re setting up a social media campaign, you need to create different versions of your content for different platforms.
  • Moreover, you can also utilize lead scoring to know which prospect is highly interested and send them personalized automated emails.

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5. Measure your performance

Once you’ve executed your marketing automation strategy, you need to measure the performance against your marketing objectives. This can help you see how successful your marketing automation campaign has been.

And, you can identify which process needs more attention and which is performing better than expected. By measuring your marketing efforts, you can create the right marketing automation solution for your business.

Moreover, you can also use marketing automation to create insightful reports to check how your campaigns are performing, and which campaigns you need to optimize for better results.

6. A/B test your campaigns

Marketing automation can help you test different marketing strategies to see which one works best for your business. This is called A/B testing, and it’s a valuable tool for any marketing campaign.

To A/B test your marketing campaigns, you can create two versions of your email marketing message.

A/B testing of campaign

Then, send one version to a group of people and the other version to another group. After a period of time, compare the results of both groups to see which marketing campaign was more successful.

7. Find the right mix of automation and human touch

When it comes to marketing automation, it’s important to find the right mix of automation and human touch. Too much automation can make your marketing process seem impersonal and robotic. On the other hand, too little automation can make your marketing process inefficient and time-consuming.

The key is to strike a balance between the two. By automating the tasks that can be done automatically and leaving the rest to be done by humans, you can create a marketing process that is both efficient and personal.

So, don’t be afraid to experiment with marketing automation. It just might be the key to taking your marketing process to the next level.

8. Analyze your marketing reports

Marketing automation can generate a lot of data. And, if you’re not careful, this data can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to analyze your marketing reports on a regular basis. By doing this, you can identify which marketing strategy is working and which one needs to be improved.

Moreover, analyzing your marketing reports can help you track your marketing progress and make necessary changes to your marketing strategy. So, don’t neglect this important step in your marketing automation process. 


In this article, we have discussed all the steps you need to take in order to develop a successful plan that will help your business automate its marketing efforts. 

Moreover, marketing automation is an approach that enables you to apply automation to multiple channels and connect with potential customers. This makes it one of the most effective strategies for any type of business.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and implement these marketing automation strategies today! 

Dhara Thakkar

Dhara Thakkar is a seasoned marketer at Salesmate. She thrives on trying new organic strategies to improve traffic & conversions, and has in-depth knowledge on how search works. When she's not working, you will find her travelling or binge watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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