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Inside SalesSales 29 Min read January, 2021

What is inside sales? Strategies, challenges, tips, & tools 

Key Takeaways
  • Inside sales is the practice of selling products or services remotely through digital communication channels like email, phone calls, and video conferencing instead of in-person meetings.
  • Outside sales, in contrast, relies on in-person interactions and meetings with prospects.
  • Essential inside sales representative skills include strong communication, active listening, product knowledge, negotiation skills, and more.
  • Effective inside sales tips involve a complete understanding of your product, creating buyer personas, dropping a voicemail, maintaining connections, and more.
  • Common challenges for inside salespersons include dealing with competition, time management, and staying motivated in an indoor environment.
  • Best inside sales solutions include CRM software, LinkedIn outreach automation tool, video conferencing tool, and email tracking software.

Dive into the dynamic world of inside sales, where strategy meets technology, and every challenge is a stepping stone to success.  

A study reveals that 37% of high-growth companies have adopted inside sales as their primary sales approach. 

This comprehensive guide unveils the essence of inside sales meaning – where remote connections transform into lucrative deals, powered by cutting-edge tools and fuelled by innovative strategies. 

From the core roles that make the inside sales engine run to the fine art of closing deals from afar, we navigate the intricacies of building relationships without face-to-face meetings.  

Discover what is inside sales vs outside sales, the best ways to generate leads, and inside sales tips to boost sales and drive business. 

This article is your key to becoming a great inside salesperson. It offers insights on the best strategies, tools, and skills for success. 

Get ready to transform challenges into opportunities and turn insights into actions in the ever-evolving journey of inside sales. 

What is inside sales?  

Inside sales is the practice of selling products or services remotely through digital communication channels like email, phone calls, and video conferencing instead of in-person meetings. It focuses on reaching and engaging customers from a centralized location, leveraging technology to connect with prospects and close deals effectively.

It emphasizes using technology to reach out and engage with prospects, allowing businesses to expand their reach and operate more efficiently. 

Its focus on virtual sales distinguishes this approach, making it a highly scalable and cost-effective sales model. 

How does inside sales work? 

Inside sales operates through remote interactions, leveraging digital tools to engage prospects and close deals. 

Let’s understand the nitty-gritties of how inside sales works: 

Technology-driven communication 

The core of inside sales lies in using various communication apps such as email, phone calls, video conferencing and social media platforms. 

These tools enable inside sales consultants to initiate contact with potential leads, present products or services, negotiate terms, and close deals remotely. 

Digital lead generation and qualification 

Inside sales teams rely heavily on digital channels to generate leads. This could involve online marketing strategies, social selling, or leveraging sales intelligence tools to identify and attract potential leads.  

Once leads are generated, they are qualified using criteria such as budget, authority, need, and timing to ensure sales efforts focus on prospects with the highest potential to convert. 

Related read – A new perspective on BANT sales: Is the framework still relevant in 2024?  

Personalized sales approaches 

Utilizing inside sales CRM software, inside sales reps can access detailed information about leads, allowing for personalized communication and sales pitches.  

This tailored approach increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion. 

Collaborative team structure 

An inside sales team structure typically consists of Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) who focus on lead generation and qualification.  

Account Executives (AEs) handle negotiations and close deals, while Customer Success Managers (CSMs) ensure customer satisfaction and foster long-term relationships. 

Efficient sales process 

The inside sales model enables a more streamlined and efficient sales process. Since all interactions happen remotely, inside sales professionals can manage more leads and opportunities at any given time, reducing the sales cycle duration and increasing productivity. 

Data-driven decision making 

Inside sales heavily relies on data and analytics to guide strategies and decisions. Sales teams analyze data on lead behavior, engagement patterns, conversion rates, and more to refine their sales tactics, improve targeting, and enhance overall performance. 

Scalability and flexibility 

With the absence of geographical constraints and reduced dependency on in-person meetings, inside sales models are highly scalable and flexible.  

Businesses can expand their reach to new markets with minimal additional costs, adapting quickly to market changes or customer needs. 

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What are the different inside sales roles? 

The structure of an inside sales team is a tapestry of roles, each crucial for driving sales and fostering customer relationships. Understanding the inside sales role within this framework is essential.  

Here’s a closer look at what does an inside sales rep do: 

  • Sales Development Representative (SDR): These are the trailblazers who identify and qualify leads. SDRs are the initial contact, expertly navigating through potential leads to spotlight those ready for a deeper sales conversation. 
  • Account Executive (AE): The team’s closers, AEs take over once a lead is qualified, steering the conversation toward sealing the deal. Their prowess lies in negotiation and persuasion, transforming leads into customers. 
  • Inside Sales Representatives: They are versatile team members who handle various stages of the sales process, from generating leads to closing sales. They often manage smaller accounts or serve a specific geographic area. 
  • Customer Success Managers (CSM): Post-sale CSMs ensure clients are satisfied and fully engaged with the product or service. They play a critical role in retention and upselling, turning happy customers into repeat business. 
  • Inside Sales Manager: The strategists and leaders, Inside Sales Managers oversee the team, set sales goals, refine sales strategies, and ensure the sales machine runs smoothly and effectively. 

What is the difference between inside and outside sales? 

Understanding outside sales vs inside sales is crucial for businesses looking to refine their sales strategies and optimize their team’s performance.  

The distinction lies in how inside sales professionals engage with their prospects and close deals, impacting everything from daily activities to strategic planning. 

  • Inside sales 

This approach is characterized by remote sales, utilizing digital communication tools such as phone, email, and video conferencing.  

The essence of inside sales lies in its efficiency and scalability, allowing businesses to reach a broader audience with lower overhead costs.  

  • Outside sales 

Outside sales, or field sales, involves direct, in-person interactions with prospects. This traditional method relies on meetings, presentations, and negotiations conducted face-to-face, often requiring travel.  

While potentially more time-consuming and costly due to travel expenses, outside sales allow for richer, more personalized engagement with clients, which can be pivotal for high-stakes deals or complex products. 

Below is a comparison table that provides a clear and concise overview of inside vs outside sales. 

Aspect Inside Sales Outside Sales 
Location Remote (office or home-based) In-person (client’s location, meetings, etc.) 
Communication Phone, email, video calls, social media Face-to-face meetings, demonstrations 
Cost Generally lower (no travel expenses) Higher (travel, accommodations) 
Scalability High (easier to reach more clients digitally) Lower (time and cost limit the number of visits) 
Sales Cycle Often shorter (quick turnaround with digital tools) Can be longer (scheduling and conducting meetings) 
Personalization Standardized but personalized through digital means Highly personalized (custom presentations, demos) 
Product/Service Suitability Often for software, SaaS, and standardized products Complex, high-value, or highly customizable products 
Customer Interaction Virtual, maintaining digital relationships Direct and personal, building in-depth relationships 
Flexibility High (ability to quickly adapt strategies) Moderate to low (dependent on physical logistics) 
Technology Dependence High (relies on CRM, video conferencing, etc.) Lower (focus on personal communication tools) 

Benefits of inside sales 

Benefits of Inside sales

Inside sales brings many advantages, revolutionizing how businesses approach selling and customer engagement. 

Let’s delve into the core advantages of inside sales: 

Increased cost efficiency 

Inside sales reduce the need for travel, lodging, and related expenses, allowing businesses to allocate resources more effectively.  

This cost-saving aspect makes it an attractive option for companies aiming to maximize their sales budgets. 

Increased scalability 

With its reliance on digital tools and technologies, scaling up an inside sales operation is more straightforward and cost-effective.  

Companies can quickly adjust their sales efforts in response to market demands without the logistical challenges of expanding a field sales team. 

Enhanced productivity 

Inside sales reps can engage with more prospects in less time, thanks to the use of CRM software, automated outreach, and other inside sales productivity tools. 

This increase in productivity leads to more opportunities being pursued and captured in less time. 

Improved data and analytics 

Digital sales interactions provide a wealth of customer interactions, preferences, and behavior data. This information allows for more informed decision-making and strategy refinement, contributing to better sales outcomes. 

Flexibility and adaptability 

The virtual setup of inside sales offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling inside sales person to connect with prospects across geographies without geographical constraints.  

This adaptability is particularly valuable in responding to changing market conditions and customer needs. 

Increased sales opportunities 

By leveraging other online channels, inside sales teams can tap into a broader pool of prospects, including those that might be unreachable through traditional sales methods.  

This expansion of reach translates to more sales opportunities and potential revenue streams. 

Better lead generation and customer experience 

Advanced tools and technologies enable more personalized and efficient outreach strategies, improving lead-generation efforts. 

Moreover, quickly responding to inquiries and providing detailed product information enhances the overall customer experience. 

Improved revenue forecasting 

Inside sales activities enable measuring and tracking more accurate revenue predictions. With detailed analytics, businesses can better forecast sales trends, optimize strategies, and make informed decisions to support growth. 

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Inside sales process (Flowchart)

Inside sales process

Embarking on the inside sales journey involves a strategic sequence to convert prospects into loyal customers.  

Here’s a roadmap to navigate the inside sales process effectively: 

  1. Lead generation 

The foundation of any sales effort is that this phase involves identifying potential leads through various channels such as digital marketing, social media campaigns, and inbound inquiries. It’s all about casting a wide net to capture as many leads as possible. 

  1. Lead qualification 

Not all leads are created equal. This step filters through the prospects to focus on those with a genuine interest and need for your product or service. Qualification criteria often include budget, authority, need, and timeline (BANT). 

  1. Initial contact 

Making the first move, inside sales executives contact qualified leads through calls, emails, or social media. The goal is establishing a connection, gauging interest, and setting the stage for a deeper conversation. 

  1. Sales presentation/Demo 

This is where the product or service shines. Demonstrations or detailed presentations highlight the benefits and features tailored to address the prospect’s specific needs and pain points. 

  1. Objection handling 

Rarely does a sales process go without hitches. Prospects may have concerns or objections, and how sales reps address these can make or break the deal. Effective objection handling involves active listening, understanding, and presenting solutions that alleviate concerns. 

  1. Closing the deal 

This step, the culmination of the inside sales process, involves negotiating terms and finalizing the sale. It ensures that both parties are satisfied with the agreement and ready to proceed. 

  1. Post-sale follow-up and relationship building 

The journey continues after the sale. Follow-ups ensure customer satisfaction, address issues, and foster a relationship that encourages repeat business and referrals. 

Navigating these steps with skill and strategy propels inside sales efforts toward success, turning prospects into partners and transactions into long-term relationships. 

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Essential inside sales skills  

Inside sales skills

The landscape of inside sales is both challenging and rewarding, demanding a set of core skills that enable sales professionals to navigate it effectively.  

Here are the key skills required for inside sales representatives: 

Strong communication skills 

The ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively in written and verbal form is fundamental. Every email, call, and presentation counts, making clarity non-negotiable. 

Active listening 

Success in sales is as much about listening as it is about talking. Understanding customer needs, concerns, and feedback requires attentive listening and the ability to read between the lines. 

Product knowledge 

An in-depth understanding of the products or services being sold is crucial. This expertise not only boosts confidence but also enables inside sales professionals to answer questions accurately and highlight benefits that resonate with prospects. 

Technological proficiency 

Inside sales reps rely on a suite of tools, from CRM software to communication platforms. Mastery of these technologies enhances efficiency and enables a more personalized approach to sales. 

Objection handling 

Encountering resistance is part of the sales journey. Skillful objection handling involves anticipating concerns, empathizing with the prospect, and presenting logical solutions that overcome barriers. 

Negotiation skills 

Closing deals often requires negotiation. Effective negotiation skills help in finding win-win outcomes, ensuring both parties feel satisfied with the final agreement.


Sales is about offering solutions. The ability to think on your feet and propose innovative solutions to customer problems is what sets top salespeople apart. 

Time management 

With numerous leads to pursue and goals to meet, managing time efficiently is vital. Prioritizing tasks and managing one’s schedule can make the difference between hitting or missing targets. 

Resilience and persistence 

Rejection is a common aspect of sales. The resilience to bounce back and the persistence to keep trying, even after setbacks, are key to long-term success. 

10 Successful inside sales strategies, tips, & best practices 

Adopting effective inside sales tips & strategies is crucial for enhancing performance and achieving sales targets. 

Here are 10 effective tips for inside sales designed to enhance your approach and drive success: 

1. Understand your products thoroughly 

Deep product knowledge is essential. It enables you to answer questions confidently and highlight features that solve specific problems, a cornerstone of best inside sales practices. 

The prospect is not going to come back to understand your product again. He’ll find a different solution. He will not care if you’re new to your job.  

You must take solid inside sales training to avoid this situation. Use every single feature of your system to understand how everything works. Ask questions to your inside sales experts about various scenarios and how your product can help. 

2. Create buyer personas 

Comprehensive buyer personas are a fundamental element of effective inside sales techniques. 

By understanding your ideal prospects’ specific characteristics, pain points, and motivations, you can tailor your outreach and messaging to resonate deeply, increasing the chances of conversion. 

Below is an example of how a buyer persona looks like. 

3. Use templates 

It is one of the finest inside sales tips. Leveraging email and call templates can streamline your communication process, ensuring consistency and efficiency.  

However, always personalize these templates to reflect the prospect’s needs and situation, as this personal touch can significantly enhance engagement. 

4. Use your time wisely 

Effective time management separates top-performing sales reps from the rest. Rather than manually feeding data in CRM, use smart integrations to bring your data to the system. 

Prioritize tasks based on their potential impact, allocate specific times for different activities, and use inside sales automation tools to automate and optimize your workflow. 

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5. Call on the right time 

Timing is key in making successful connections. Research and understand the best time to reach your prospects, considering their time zones and typical business hours. This strategic timing can greatly increase your chances of making a successful contact. 

Recently, a Salesmate studied the best day and time to make a sales call. We found that Wednesday is the best day to pick up your phone and get the best results. While 4-5 pm would be the best time to ring. 

Check out the entire study on classy infographics here

6. Drop a voicemail 

If a call goes unanswered, a well-crafted voicemail can pave the way for future interactions. Keep it brief, personalized, and intriguing, with a clear call to action that encourages the prospect to return your call. 

Keep the voicemail simple: Mention your company, name, and why you called.  

Here’s a helpful voicemail template: 

Hello, Mr. Parson. My name is Katy from ABC. I called you regarding a possible partnership between our businesses. Please let me know when you’ll be available for a 5-minute call. Have a great day! 

7. Don’t try to sell on the first call 

The initial call should focus on building rapport and complete understanding the prospect’s needs rather than pushing for a sale. 

Understand their business pain points and determine whether your product can really solve their problems. This approach fosters trust and lays a solid foundation for future sales conversations. 

8. Dig a little 

Each interaction with a prospect is an opportunity to learn more about their needs, challenges, and preferences. Doing a little bit of research about your prospect can give you an edge over other competitors. Not much, just the basic idea of their business and industry they belong to. 

Use open-ended questions to uncover valuable insights that can guide your sales strategy and tailor your solution to their specific situation.

9. Maintain connections 

Building and maintaining relationships is at the heart of successful inside sales. Regular follow-ups, even after a sale is made, can lead to repeat business and referrals.  

Always look for ways to add value to keep the connection strong. 

10. Understand that selling is a struggle 

Recognize that rejection and setbacks are part of the sales process. Embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow.  

Persistence, resilience, and a positive attitude are key to overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success. 

Inside sales metrics you must track

Inside sales metrics

Tracking the right inside sales KPIs and metrics is crucial for understanding the health and efficiency of your inside sales process. These metrics provide insights into your teams performance, helping you make data-driven decisions to optimize strategies and improve outcomes. 

Here’s a rundown of key metrics for inside sales team: 

Lead to opportunity ratio 

This metric measures the effectiveness of your lead generation and qualification efforts by comparing the number of leads to the number of those deemed opportunities. It’s a critical indicator of how well your team identifies and advances potential sales. 

Quota attainment 

A direct reflection of performance, quota attainment measures the percentage of sales reps meeting or exceeding their sales targets. High quota attainment rates suggest a healthy sales environment and effective strategies. 

Call to connect ratio 

This ratio highlights the efficiency of your outreach efforts, showing how many calls (Or other outreach attempts) are needed to make meaningful contact with a prospect. It’s vital for assessing the effectiveness of your communication approach. 

Opportunity to deal ratio 

Understanding the conversion rate from qualified opportunities to closed deals helps gauge the effectiveness of your sales pitch and closing techniques. A higher ratio indicates a strong sales process and persuasive sales team. 

Sales cycle length 

The average duration from the first contact with a lead to closing the deal. Shorter cycles indicate a streamlined sales process, while longer cycles suggest areas for improvement or more complex sales. 

Average deal size 

This metric gives the average value of the deals closed within a specific period, offering insights into the quality of sales and helping forecast revenue. Strategies can then be tailored to either increase the deal size or focus on higher-volume sales. 

Call to deal ratio 

Similar to the call to connect ratio, this inside sales call metrics measures the efficiency of sales calls in terms of closing deals. It reflects the effectiveness of your sales pitch and your team’s ability to convert conversations into sales. 

Tracking these inside sales performance metrics allows teams to identify strengths, pinpoint weaknesses, and adjust strategies for better performance.  

By continuously monitoring and analyzing these key indicators, businesses can ensure their inside sales operations are optimized for success. 

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What are the challenges faced by inside sales reps? 

Inside sales, undoubtedly, is challenging. However, once you get a hang of it, you understand that almost every sales rep faces the same challenges and ultimately overcome them.  

In day-to-day sales, there are several forces that act as obstacles for the most inside sales reps that make it difficult for them to meet their quotas.   

But where there’s a will, there’s a way! There’s absolutely no challenge that you, as an inside salesperson, cannot overcome.  

We have listed some of the inside sales challenges you may face in your career and how you can overcome them with a little perseverance.  

Inside sales challenges

1. Overcoming an increasing number of competitions  

The digital landscape is becoming increasingly crowded, with numerous companies competing for the attention of the same audience.  

An inside sales specialist can stand out by personalizing their approach and leveraging their in-depth product knowledge and understanding of customer needs to create more compelling and targeted sales pitches.  

How to overcome this challenge: Study your competitors and understand what they are using as their competitive advantage. Then, assess your own USPs and present them in the best way to your prospects to get their attention.     

2. Not having enough time to get it all done  

Inside sales reps often juggle multiple tasks, from lead generation and follow-up to conducting demos, closing deals, and cold calling.  

Managing these responsibilities efficiently within the confines of a typical workday can be daunting, highlighting the need for excellent time management skills. 

How to overcome this challenge: Businesses should invest in a CRM for their sales team so that their manual labor is reduced with the help of automation and other essential productivity tools.  

Also, sales reps should ensure they are not focused on exterior factors like in-office noises and social media notifications on their phones. 

3. Ensuring that they get high-quality leads 

The quality of leads significantly impacts conversion rates. Sifting through leads to find those with a genuine interest or need for the product or service can be challenging, necessitating advanced lead generation and qualification strategies. 

How to overcome this challenge: Invest in targeted lead generation strategies that focus on attracting your ideal customer profile. Utilize lead scoring systems to assess and prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert. 

The sales department should collaborate closely with the marketing department to refine lead generation efforts and ensure a steady flow of high-quality leads. 

4. Staying motivated in an indoor environment  

Working remotely or from an office without the change of scenery and face-to-face interactions that outside sales reps experience can affect motivation.  

Despite the lack of external stimuli, finding ways to stay motivated and engaged is crucial for maintaining productivity. 

How to overcome this challenge: Set personal and professional goals clearly to keep yourself motivated within an office environment. Regular breaks and a dedicated workspace can help maintain focus and prevent burnout.  

Seek feedback and celebrate successes, no matter how small, to reinforce a sense of achievement and progress. 

5. Coming up with innovative outreach ideas  

In a world where prospects are bombarded with information and sales pitches, many inside sales reps find that creating unique and innovative outreach strategies to capture attention is essential. This is where leveraging inside sales services can make a significant difference.  

These services offer tools and strategies for keeping outreach fresh and effective. They require creativity, market insight, and an ongoing commitment to continuously test new approaches. 

How to overcome this challenge:  Experiment with different channels and message formats, from personalized video messages to interactive demos, to see what resonates best with your audience.  

Encourage a culture of creativity within your sales team by brainstorming sessions and incentivizing innovative ideas.  

9 Best inside sales tools 

In the competitive world of inside sales, leveraging the right inside sales software is non-negotiable.  

Effectively using these tools empowers the inside sales force to reach and exceed their sales targets while offering a more personalized customer experience. 

Here’s a roundup of the best inside sales software that are game-changers for sales teams: 

Inside sales tools

1. Customer relationship management (CRM) 

Customer relationship management tools are the backbone of any sales operation. They provide a centralized platform for tracking interactions, managing leads, and analyzing customer data. 

Tools like Salesmate, Salesforce, and HubSpot help inside sales teams organize their pipelines, automate tasks, and personalize customer interactions. 

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2. LinkedIn outreach automation 

With LinkedIn being a goldmine for B2B inside sales, outreach automation tools can help personalize and scale your outreach efforts. These tools automate connection requests and follow-up messages, making it easier to build your network and generate leads. 

It is responsible for 80% of B2B leads from social media. Lead Connect, Zopto, and Alfred are some solid options. 

3. Video conferencing 

In a world where face-to-face meetings aren’t always possible, video conferencing tools bridge the gap. They allow inside sales reps to conduct virtual meetings, product demos, and presentations, offering a more personal touch than traditional calls or emails. 

Video conferencing tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet have become indispensable inside sales tool to connect anywhere in the world. 

4. Business proposal 

Crafting compelling proposals is key to winning business. Proposal software helps create, send, and track customized proposals, streamlining the process and improving the chances of closing more deals. 

Tools like Proposify, PandaDoc, and Bidsketch are among the top choices for sending proposals. 

5. Appointment scheduling 

Scheduling meetings can be a time-consuming task. Appointment scheduling tools automate this process, allowing prospects to book meetings directly into your calendar, reducing back-and-forth emails and increasing efficiency. 

Tools like Salesmate, Calendly, and Doodle give you notifications, so you never miss an important meeting. These tools take care of time zones as well, so both parties get a notification at the right time. 

6. Call tracking & analytics software 

Understanding how your calls impact sales is crucial. Call tracking and analytics software provides insights into call performance, caller behavior, and conversion rates, helping you optimize your sales calls.  

Inside sales call tracking software, such as CallRail and Dialpad, provides features such as call recording, call attribution, and detailed reporting on call performance. 

7. Sales engagement platforms 

These platforms provide a centralized space to manage all sales communications, including emails, calls, and social media interactions.  

They help ensure consistent follow-up, personalized outreach, and better engagement tracking. Outreach, SalesLoft, and Groove are great examples of sales engagement platforms that optimize sales outreach and follow-up. 

8. AI and machine learning 

AI and machine learning technologies can revolutionize how sales teams operate, offering predictive analytics, lead scoring, and automated customer insights. These tools help sales reps focus their efforts where they’re most likely to pay off. 

Tools like Conversica,, and leverage AI and machine learning to analyze sales conversations, identify trends, and provide insights for improving sales effectiveness and performance. 

9. Email tracking software 

Knowing when and how your emails are engaged can significantly impact your follow-up strategy. Email tracking software offers visibility into open rates, click-through rates, and engagement, allowing for more timely and relevant follow-ups. 

Yesware and Mailtrack are the best software for inside sales to track emails, providing real-time notifications and insights into recipient engagement, enhancing how inside sales reps spend their time on email outreach. 


In summary, the effectiveness of inside sales heavily relies on utilizing the right tools and strategies. From CRM systems to AI and email tracking software, these technologies are crucial for enhancing productivity, improving customer interactions, and driving sales.  

By adopting these best inside sales tools, teams can navigate the competitive landscape more efficiently and achieve better results.  

Embracing these inside sales solutions sets the foundation for future growth and innovation in selling. 

Frequently asked questions 

What is inside sales management? 

Inside sales management involves overseeing and guiding the inside sales team to achieve their sales targets through effective sales training, strategy, and use of technology.  

What is an example of inside and outside sales? 

For example, real estate inside sales agent might utilize digital platforms and virtual tours to showcase properties to potential buyers and facilitate transactions without the need for in-person meetings. 

Conversely, an example of outside sales might involve a pharmaceutical sales representative visiting doctors’ offices and hospitals in person to present medical products and build relationships with healthcare professionals.  

Which is better field sales or inside sales?

The choice between field sales and inside sales largely depends on your business’s specific needs, the nature of your product or service, and your target market’s preferences. Inside sales can be more cost-effective and scalable, suitable for digital or easily demonstrated products. 

Field sales, however, may be necessary for complex, high-value products requiring in-person demos. Many companies find a hybrid approach that utilizes both methods to be the most effective strategy. 


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