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Sales EmailsSales 6 Min read October, 2018

Best time to send out sales emails

We have learned this fact very well that perfect timing matters in every front of your professional life.

Today we will be discussing why timing is everything while sending out emails as per your client and prospect outreach campaigns. In the end, all this effort is done so that your subscribers notice and open those crucial emails.

Let’s share some tips and points for the success of your campaigns. The general tips for sending out your email prevail in the marketing community.

They are best for starting off your campaign. But as we all know, being dynamic also pays off, as you must try out various options for success.

1. The General Tips

The basic knowledge to come in handy for those who are thinking of starting their email campaigns as debutantes.

Day vs. Night

This will sound obvious but sending out email campaigns during the daytime is your best bet.


Avoid Monday email blasts as everybody is already busy sorting those weekend emails. You don’t want your informational, promotional or influential emails to end up in the junk category.


Historically, weekends are the days when folks are out running errands and going on adventures. Weekends tend to have low open rates, so most marketers avoid them like the plague.

2. Heads up on event emails

In a study, GetResponse revealed that around 23% of emails get opened in the first hour. The rest of the outbound emails stay unopened until two or three days after being sent out.


If you want your audience to know about a sale, mega discount or some scheme, drop an email 3-5 days prior to your event.

3. The Favorites

sending out emails under your outreach campaign

As marketers dread the Monday blues and the Lazy Friday vibe, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday end up in the favorites list. Even Mailchimp mentions that Tuesday and Thursday bag the two most popular spots for sending out emails under your outreach campaign.

4. Mid of week and day

Mid of week and day

Marketing and sales professionals agree that emails perform well when they are sent out during the mid of the week. Especially the ones that are sent during the middle of the day.

As per Mailchimp, 2 PM is the best time to send emails and for experiencing the most mail open rates.

5. Being dynamic is the key!

The above tips are best for practical application under the general email category. The email marketing research done by Wordstream offers much more insight. However, there are situations that quickly challenge the classical suggestions above.

Best time for sending emails

Wordstream also mentions that the sales email blasts did on Thursday, between 8 – 9 AM get over 25% open rates!

The worst time for sending emails:

In the same research, they also mention that emails that are sent on Tuesday and Wednesday between 8 – 10 AM underperform; around 5% open rates.

6. Handling the rush from competition

Now, let’s get practical. From the above data, it is clear that Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the best days for sending out promotional and outreach emails.

Yes, Mondays and Fridays are not the best time for traditional emails to pass through the hustle. But who is to say they won’t come in handy for you.

The device plays a pivotal role

device plays pivotal role

User habits differ across various devices. You can say that the above data perfectly align with the users who access their email via desktop at work. 

But a major chunk stays with mobile users who can access their emails from any place. You just need to have a catchy subject line!

As the figure above mentions, 52% of emails are opened on mobile devices, 32% are opened vial webmail services and 16% are opened on desktops.

For any business, this data concludes that your emails have to be mobile-friendly so that your outreach campaigns have better open rates.

Understand your audience

Understanding the demographics pertaining to your target audience is crucial for your email outreach success. Observe their habits and serve them well with content that is valuable to both of you.

Evening emails could work well with the younger and tech-loving crowd.

If you are in the entertainment industry, Friday would reap beneficiary as people prefer to pursue something fun over the weekend.

Customize your emails as per the various time-zones where your audience resides.

The ultimate answer to “best time to send email”

Well, the answer is simple, and you always had it in your gut-feeling. It all boils down to your audiences and their behavior.

Though there are certain weekdays that are recommended by the sales professionals, the mid-day in mid-week is the best time for your outreach emails.

But, let us tell one thing very specifically. Blaming the hours is not the way to perform well. You need to be open to testing and experiments. That way you can keep a tab on the perfect send time for your emails for a particular target audience.

Open rates of your email are not solely dependent on your send times. If you feel that your email open rates are not performing as per your expectations, you must ask these questions:

Is your email subject line standing out?

Attractive subject lines make a huge difference when it comes to outreach and promotional emails. Subject lines are important, as they compel people into opening your emails. Having an intriguing and enticing subject line surely helps your purpose.

What’s your outbound email frequency?

Getting bombarded with emails is one thing that will rub off on anyone in the wrong way. Are you keeping a tab on the frequency of your outbound emails?

Do you have a system in place that automatically notifies and reminds you regarding particular emails for your prospects and customers? There are chances that your frequency of sending out emails is not matching that of the subscriber.

Do you have a mobile-friendly email layout?

Mobile-friendly emails are your best tool for looping in the subscribers. Your emails must be in synchronization with various mobile devices being used by the customers.

If you can provide the target audience with such a layout and ease of viewing your content, you are going to win them over for sure.

Salesmate CRM understands that the world is developing fast. This fast-paced business world wants a system that adapts to its on-the-go attitude.

When it comes to emails, business owners and sales professionals take it very seriously as it carries their brand name forward into the world.

Salesmate enables its users to send, schedule and track all the outbound sales emails with intuitive and insightful reporting. This way modern business owners and decision-makers can lay out future plans for their newsletter, promotional and other outreach emails.

Salesmate is a CRM that has many more incredible features that make it one of the best small business CRM. Take the 15 days free trial and try every single feature now!


A writer with an uncommon funny bone and a knack for perfection, Saptarshi loves to write about anything that can be of help to businesses, people, and dogs! A true human at heart, he likes to spend most of his time researching the internet to find ways technology is influencing our daily life (positively).

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